Thursday, December 19, 2019

Final Essay

 I was honestly excited yet nervous to come back to school on August 12,2019. This was due to to the fact that i wanted to be doing something after being home and not doing anything for a while, i was nervous to see my teachers and what people id meet, but i really wasn’t looking for education i was tired of the same routine books, quiz, and test. 
       Well as i got in i noticed one thing from all the other English classes I’ve been in, LACK OF BOOKS!! I was confused, then Dr. Preston followed up by presenting himself to us, that day two things stood out to me cussing and giving teenagers an option to get education, i know crazy right. He gave us two options learn by book or learn in a open source, left the room and i was really confused as my class mates, we all looked at each other and got to work and all agreed to open sources, took some convincing on a few people but we agreed. 
       Few minutes later Dr. Preston came back in and we all told him what we choose, open source. He  proceeded to explain to us what open source was, it was a way we would answers some question(s) on a journal but how you actually felt, not how he wanted you to write it but YOUR OWN THOUGHT!! Also we were going to have a blog to post on, again our own thought. 
        A few days past, maybe weeks, but he finally gave us, HOMEWORK, it was memorizing a poem and recording yourself saying it. We actually had about three to four of them through the whole course. I started to procrastinate in my blogs, resume, cover letter, and many more assignments. The whole year was a roller coaster because we didn’t know what to expect at times, sometimes i even thought i was caught up and BOOM something else came up, or like the first day of school giving a choice of how to run our class. 

          The whole semester was a great ride i learned many new words, got better at writing, and became less scared to share my ideas. Im ready to come back from winter break and give it a lot more then I’ve been giving it. 

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