Thursday, November 7, 2019

Self Reliance pt 4

-Self trust is something we are scared of
-a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds
-to be great is to be misunderstood
-its better to be good then act good
-Honor is venerable
•i believe that my little brother is someone who i inspire, usually its when i do something he wants to as well.
-we all have at least  looked around to get answers when we dont have them

We should trust our selfs more to make mistakes

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Self reliance pt 3

-No one wakes up to ruin someones day
-we all give in to the bad from other people
-philanthropy- is giving
-conflict isn't easy but truth is great
-men and women donate, just to not show up to the parade
-people pay for being a jerk and are not true to them self
-it’s easier to say yes to peers even though its bad, then do your own thing
-its not quite true to say someone had a unique thing

We should just say f***  it to what people say about us like yess take it in consideration.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Self Reliance pt 2

-They eye was placed where one ray should fall- we choose were to look
-What do is mean when it says, “men is relieved and gay” i understand its happy but by relieve what does that mean
-i can relate to we are ashamed of expressing our ideas
-if we have an idea, do build on it forget about being judged, we should resist people tamping us down
-if we are not giving our 100% then we are not our true self
-children dont care about what they say ask because they dont have consent like us teens
- Teens have a big forest then adult think 
-what is that has people so scared of our own shadows?

I feel like when we, including myself, dont express ourselves its pointless of even thinking about it. Why think of something that can change our life's in a positive way and not building on that thought.
In reality other people and I need to stop being afraid. 

Monday, November 4, 2019

Self reliance

In this section that we have read, i feel like people, including myself, should have the courage and understanding that people well not like our ideas, or accept them. But sometimes our ideas are so big that if we never put them put there someone else well make your idea true and with your idea, they will be successful,WITH YOUR IDEA.

Chapter 8

Gatsby’s  death was a big deal every news reporter police etc was in the house People called him a true man Meyer wolfshiem didnt want to ...